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I’ve experienced a lot of shock but what I experienced approximately six weeks ago rocked every molecule in my body. I will be posting this on my page once I get it running but briefly, I awoke from a “dream” and remembered an entity that I was with there. To clarify, this is a non-human intelligence (NHI), an ET. An alien.

My experiences with them spend my entire life of almost 51 years but I’ve never been able to physically see them. I only feel their energy. I took to X and posted the few details about this individual and within 10 minutes someone commented with a photo from a book and said, “did she look like this?“.

My initial reaction was elation and I excitedly replied, “ YESSSSSSS!!!!!!” I looked at her and she was wearing the exact jewelry around her neck that the entity in my “dream” was wearing which was to silver rings around her neck like the Egyptian’s wore, both approximately 10 to 12 mm. Her appearance matched what I had visualized and posted. As I said, I never saw her face or her body I was just focused on those silver rings on her neck.

After a few hours the reality set in that this was not a dream, she was real, and a stranger that I couldn’t pick out of a crowd if they were standing next to me, just presented her to me. Knowing that you are an alien abductee and actually seeing one in person and then having it validated that this is not fantasy, that this is my reality, became more than I knew what to do with.

I’m having a difficult time with this paragraph because it’s really hard to find words to accurately describe how it feels to confirm what you’ve suspected for decades. It was almost more than I could handle and I have handled a lot.

After being dazed and confused, scared, and having absolutely no clue of what reality is anymore, I knew I needed to do something to get rid of this god awful feeling of being completely disconnected from reality, even though my physical reality didn’t change in the slightest. But my brain has been permanently changed as well as my perceptions and views about existence itself.

Once I found out that she was a benevolent species, and that my positive feelings about her weren’t just me trying to justify that I wasn’t being hurt, that calmed me and helped me accept her and my connection to her.

Even though my ontological shock only lasted for about 36 hours, that’s something that I don’t ever want to feel again. My life, in no way, has been for the faint of heart, and I’ve rolled with the punches. This.....this can only be described as being similar to having a dark night of the soul. You CAN get through it if you keep yourself grounded, lean on your support circle, research your butt off, be confident in your own abilities and, most importantly, know that YOU 👏🏼 ARE 👏🏼 NOT 👏🏼 ALONE 👏🏼

We are going to be OK but we need to stop fighting each other because time is coming quickly where there is no room for divisiveness. Thank you for reading.

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